Saturday, August 31, 2019

Birthday dishes

A birthday is a personal day for all children or adults. Planning for birthday dishes may seem like a simple project, but it can be difficult with a lot of work. Organization, preparation, and food selection. First of all, we needed a good organization.For example, making a list of family, relatives, friends, others in order to know the number of the guests Secondly, we spent time selecting the right food. Informal meals usually include appetizer and drinks, the main dishes and deserts as ell as the local dishes. Prepare the appetizer, which can include salads, nuts, potato chips, and snacks. Soft drinks, fruit Juice, and alcohol go well with the appetizer.Prepare the main dishes, such as chicken in paste, School food like pasted mammalian serve with potatoes and salty Nile parched in paste(agar) which are my favorite dishes, green vegetables in paste, grind pea in paste (mongo) served with moo- yea, and bush meat , roasted pork, , grilled chicken, all serve with potatoes, smashed ca ssava, rice, millet, maize and sorghum posh, Cheesecake and apple pie, paw-paw, avocado, the lion's heart, pineapple, mangoes can also be Included with the deserts and My mother spent the whole day in the kitchen cooking and preparing all the above for us.The cake arrived in the evening and soon my friends and other Invited guests started pouring in. At last, making my birthday dishes takes a lot of time. Through organization, preparing, and selecting the food, I found out that planning a successful birthday party dishes was not really simple and easy.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Common Core and the effects on America

Language Learners Since being introduced in 2010, forty-four States have now adopted the Common Core State Standards Initiative. This initiative provides standards in English, Language Arts and Math. Every child in a public school will be expected to meet each standard for their grade level In these areas. These standards are designed to guarantee that every child In America will be on par with each other. They use the example In their 3 minute video about a child In Seattle who has an A In his English class but would be receiving a C in a public school in Chicago(understandingCommon Core). These standards are also designed to insure that American youth are graduating high school with the ability to compete with other nation's graduates worldwide. So not only do American school children need to compete with their national peers but they are also competing on a global level (Common Core). Professor E. D Hirsch In an excerpt from his book â€Å"On Cultural Literacy† discusses h ow cultural literacy is the only way for Impoverished children to rise above their lot In life.Part of his assumptions are that every American child needs a basic foundation, such as the subjects proposed by Common Core, to be provided by the American Education system. Hirsch argues this foundation will ensure every child is culturally literate,†only by accumulation of shared symbols, and the shared information that the symbols represent, can we learn to communicate effectively with one another in our national community† (36). This statement Is based off of the assumption that all Americans speak the same language (Bezel 661). This Is simply no longer true.Between 2010-2011 there were 4. 7 million English Language Learners (ELL) in the American School system (Fast Facts). Unlike No Child left behind act, Common Core acknowledges that they cannot define and meet every need that ELLS have in order to learn the language being used by Common Core on the same level as their p eers (English Standards 6). Without going in-depth into the standards, the most accessible Information on the website Is specific on how to accommodate special needs children, but for ELLS all the standards say Is â€Å"It Is possible for every child to meet the standards†(6).This paper will address the potential effects of Common Core on ELLS, by using the proposed effects of both Common Core supporters and Common Core posers. There is a lack of public information as to how these state standards are going to affect English Language Learners (ELL), there needs to be more focus on how state standards and federal tests are going to accommodate the growing number ELLS. In 2001 the Bush administration Implemented the No Child Left Behind act. (UNCLE). Under Title Ill in UNCLE it was clearly stated how ELLS were to receive special attention.It allowed for extended time on test and occasionally for the test to be administered in the learners own language. These methods were not eff ective cause ELLS were still testing twenty to thirty percent lower than their English proficient peers. UNCLE required schools to break their students Into subgroups one testing in comparison with their English proficient peers. For ELLS the test was not only used to gauge their progress in that particular subject but also their progress in English proficiency.Not surprisingly the ELLS were doing significantly worse on their English and language arts test than on Math and Science. A glaring fault of UNCLE was that once a child began to test on the same level as their English proficient peers hey were removed from the ELL subgroup and expected to keep succeeding without the extra accommodations. These ideas were implemented without there ever being proof they would work. Abide and Tilted finish their 2004 Winter report for CREST with the statement, â€Å"For a goal to be within reach of all schools, at least one school should have already attained it.To date we have yet to see a sc hool with a sizeable ELL population that meets the 2014 UNCLE requirements†. (5) In preparation for the continued rapid growth of the ELL population, which according to a TESTS brief is errantly approximated at 6 million, Common Core broke down English proficiency expectations into four categories (4). An independent study conducted by Stanford defined the four categories are reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language (3,5-7). Reading requirements are designed to make sure students can read and comprehend complex text across all subjects.Writing standards ensure students are prepared to research, analyze and argue. The need for speaking and listening is to ensure that every student has the ability to understand and articulate orally their ideas and arguments and the arguments of others. Finally the language requirement refers to grammar; in the paper the authors students need to understand that English is â€Å"as much a craft as a set of rules†(7). This pap er argues that according to the standards, language will tie the four brackets together (7).The opposition to Common Core is that Common Core will force teachers to teach to the test. Ritual standardized testing increases pressure on students to find the right answer instead of encouraging learning and independent thought (Hawkins). According to New York City teacher Katie Alphas in a letter to Carmen Farina, ELLS articulacy in grades third through eighth are â€Å"encumbered with standardized testing. † Here is a quote from a resignation letter by former Colorado Springs English teacher Pauline Hawkins â€Å"l am supposed to help them think for themselves,†¦ Instead, the emphasis is on Common Core Standards and high stakes testing that is creating a teach to the test mentality for our teachers, and stress and anxiety for our students. † This anxiety is increased when a student is not only being tested on their comprehension of the material but also their comprehe nsion of the English language. The majority of teachers who oppose Common Core want less regular testing and a more diversified way of evaluation. Common Core is moving fast. For most teachers they are being required to rewrite curriculum to match standardized testing, which is binge implemented in some states as early as April 2014.In particular for ELLS in grades third through eighth, who have been in the country for a year or less they are allowed one exemption from a test. After that they are required to test to the level of their English proficient peers. There is an extra time allotment for ELLS UT as Katie Lymphoma states in a blob post titled Battling the High-stakes Testing Beast: from NAPE to NYSE, â€Å"the state has generously offered to give you extended time (time and a half) on the tests; instead of 90 minutes per day for six days (3 days for testing day. That's a total of 13. 5 hours! Hours upon hours of testing for a fifth grader who is working twice as hard to com prehend the test does not seem like the right answer. Lymphoma in the same post discusses how she as their teacher does not have access to the test results only the scores of her students. To summarize searchers are required to conform curriculum to the tests. The same test where they are not allowed to see which material their students failed on. The ELLS are exempt from only one test in the entirety of their schooling. During the testing ELLS could spend up to twelve plus hours a week testing.According to the association of Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages (TESTS) and an independent Stanford Study, Common Core will present significant challenges to ELLS but will also provide an education that will offer them the same opportunities as their native English speaking peers. When Common Core was first developed English Language Proficiency Development (ELOPED) Standards were left up to the individual states. Starting in 2012 Common Core recognized that a standard for ELOP ED would need to be developed. In 2012 the Council of Chief State Officers produced a basic framework for states to use when adapting their ELL standards.They also hired the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium to prepare the assessment test prototypes. According to TESTS on testing â€Å"[the tests will] be administered by computer, both consortia are exploring technology-based accommodations, such as pop up glossaries and captions for audio. To ensure the widest accessibility to the test items† (7). By using measures such as extra glossaries and captions it should take some of the pressure off the students.Common Core firmly states that only by regular standardized tests can teachers and the rest of the education community truly understand what students are learning. The Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards corresponding to the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generatio n Science Standards is vividly clear in that they do not force schools to adopt a curriculum. Instead they simply provide what information students are expected to master at every grade. There is no proposed curriculum or any specific standards to guide teachers.The Framework along with Common Core has yet to address what will happen if a child can not meet the standards. UNCLE clearly defined that if a child failed, then the school would be required to use [article title] funding to provide the student the ability to travel to a school where they could get better education. Diana Rancidity in her article with the Washington Post poses the same question what will happen to students who fail. How much funding will go to provide tutoring? What will the repercussions be for teachers whose students are not meeting the standard? Will schools who consistently fail the standards be closed?These are Just some of the many unanswered questions raised by Common Core for ELLS. The Framework ans wered some questions, like which type of questions students are supposed to be able to answer by each grade, what type of thinking process they should have mastered and what kind of tests they should be able to pass. No one on either side of the issue is making light of the extra struggle the ELLS re going to have on top of the rigorous workload of an English proficient student. Those who are pro Common Core firmly state that by going through the Common workforce or further education.Whether that statement is true or not has yet to be seen. Only time and testing will prove whether Common Core is truly beneficial to ELLS. The facts state that there are approximately six million ELLS in the American public school system today. Until we have a working ELL program that has proven results it is counter productive to expect those students to perform well on the Common Core tests. The government is in the awkward middle ground of some of the information being released without enough inform ation to determine whether or not the program's success is even plausible.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cadbury Case Study

Students need to write a formal business report with a length of 2000 words using 12 pt fonts and 1. 5 spacing. The report must be handed in Week 7 (refer to the due date stated above). Please do not only focus on the article and the texts in getting the answers. Students are advised to refer to at least four (4) academic journals, with additions of materials from newspapers, magazines and Internet websites in analyzing and interpreting the case study questions. They need to acknowledge any borrowed citations or any information under reference lists by using Harvard Referencing System (Please refer to Communication Skills Handbook). Your report must be submitted to Turnitin and cleared. The allowable percentage of match is 25%. Upon uploading, please exclude the table of content, reference and bibliography lists. Do not forget to  attach together the first page of the Turnitin digital receipt on top of the hardcopy of your assignment. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS AND REFERENCES WITH YOUR FRIENDS. ASSIGNMENTS WITH HIGH PERCENTAGE OF MATCH (BASED ON TURNITIN REPORT) WILL BE PENALIZED! Sample of a Business Report (with word limits as an approximate guide for each section) Declaration Form† Cover Page (can be downloaded from ELearn) Turnitin digital receipt (first page) Cover Page †¢ Report Title: Individual Case Study – â€Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasons† †¢ Prepared for: Name of Lecturer Tutor Victoria University †¢ Prepared/Written by:Student Name VU ID No. †¢ Date of Submission: †¢ Tutorial Group: Executive Summary †¢ Inclusive of the:Introduction of the report Content of the report Conclusion and recommendations of the report †¢ Should be written only after analysis is completed. †¢ Do not repeat by using the same sentences and words as the ones used in the report. †¢ Must spell out and explain the summary instead of just â€Å"out-lining† it. Should not be exceeding one page length and paragraphing is encouraged. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count = 300 – 400 Table of Contents †¢ Titles and subtitles †¢ Page numbers †¢ Appendices (if attached) †¢ Must be typed and not handwritten 1. 0 Introduction (Must include thes e four main components) †¢ Purpose of writing the report †¢ Short summary of the case study †¢ Relevant marketing theory definition and explanation (Briefly) †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =300 – 400 (Make use of paragraphs) 2. 0 Problems/issues Identification 3. 0 Analysis †¢ No Assumptions and No own opinions! Only proven facts will be accepted. Every statement made must be referenced and listed under bibliography page and reference list. †¢ Do not use â€Å"I†, â€Å"We† when writing reports. Do not personalize the report but instead use third party language. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =500 – 600 4. 0 Recommendations/Choices of solutions †¢ List the courses of action, which, the writer, think, is the most appropriate to the firm †¢ Be specific and not general in giving suggestions. †¢ Must be related to the facts mentioned in the case study article. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =400 . 0 Conclusion †¢ Brief presentation of the major findings that have been discovered within the content of the report. (Do not repeat the things you have mentioned in the content because a summary IS NOT a conclusion! ) †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =200 List of References †¢ The reference list at the end of the report should be alphabetically ordered. †¢ You are required to refer to at least 4 academic journal articles and also to some numbers of texts, magazine/newspaper articles and websites. (Please refer to the Communication Skills Handbook on how to write referencing) IMPORTANT NOTE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THE ACADEMIC JOURNALS, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DATABASES LIKE EBSCOHOST, EMERALD AND ETC. PLEASE REFER TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR FURTHER DETAILS. YOU CANNOT SEARCH FOR THESE MATERIALS USING WIKIPEDIA, GOOGLE OR YAHOO SEARCH. Appendices (optional) †¢ Should be kept at minimum †¢ If it is so detailed and long, put it into the content of report †¢ Give each appendix a number and a title and enter it into the Table of Contents †¢ Do not put in any of the journal articles that you have used for your report Note: 1. Students are to write using formal, business-like tone for this report. This means there should be no usage of â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†, and â€Å"You† in this report. 2. They are also encouraged to write clear and concise expression of English language. 3. There should be a logical flow of sequence. 4. The report should also be free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors. Hence, before submission, proofreading must be done. 5. Please also write the word count at the end of the report (after the conclusion section). INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO 1171) Individual Case Study (15%) Marking Sheet Semester 2, 2012 CRITERION |Very Good |Good |Satisfactory (met min. |Inadequate |Not addressed / Weak |Mark | | | | |requirements) | | | | |Introduction and |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen has |The ssue/problem is not |/2 | |problem/issue identification |appropriate and is clearly stated in| appropriate with elaboration |appropriate |limited relevance |identified | | |(2%) |the assignment with justification | | | | | | |Problem analysis and | |Can analyse a range of |Can evaluate the reliability of |Can analyse a limited range of |Fails to analyse information. /5 | |justification (5%) |Can critically review evidence and |information, select appropriate|information using defined |information. Limited only |Fails to evaluate or use | | | |analyse situations using a wide |techniques of evaluation. |techniques. Has given a factual |partially accurate evaluation of |techniques of evaluation, or | | | |range of techniques appropriate to |Appropriate issue/problem is |/or conceptual knowledge base |information using defined |evaluations are totally invalid | | | |the topic. Thorough explanation of |explained and analysed | |techniques | | | | |the chosen issue/problem and is well| | | | | | | |analysed | | | | | | |Formulation of alternatives |Recommendations with reliability, |Clearly explained |Relevant recommendations made |Vague recommendations, limited |No recommendations or are |/3 | |or possible solutions and |validity significance |recommendations which relate | |solutions |obscured by poor mechanics | | |recommendations (3%) | |closely to the case | | | | | | |Fluent writing style appropriate to |Language fluent. Grammar |Language mainly fluent. Grammar |Meaning apparent, but language |Meaning unclear /or grammar |/2 | |English expression |document. Grammar spelling |spelling accurate |spelling mainly accurate |not always fluent. Grammar /or |/or spelling contain frequent | | |(sentence/paragraph |accurate | | |spelling contain errors |errors | | |construction, spelling, | | | | | | | |grammar and punctuation) (2%)| | | | | | | |Use of relevant references | |Demonstrates wide range of |Uses some appropriate literature |Uses only very limited |Fails to use relevant literature|/3 | |and referencing in written |Demonstrates wide range of reading |reading from a variety of |material in the assignment. |appropriate literature material |material in the assignment. | | |report (3%) |including from academic peer |credible sources. Referencing |Referencing is mainly accurate. |in the assignment. Some attempt |Referencing is absent/ | | | |reviewed journals in the appropriate|is mainly accurate | |at referencing. unsystematic | | | |area. Referencing is consistently | | | | | | | |accurate both within at end of | | | | | | | |document | | | | | | ———————– TOTAL: /15

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Final 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final 2 - Essay Example That was then. So what about today? The world is at a risk of obliterating itself with the use of such energy to create dangerous weapons. This paper will examine some of the issues brought about by the use of nuclear energy in making nuclear weapons, and what this means to the world, in the foreseeable future. Question 1 One aspect of nuclear proliferation is the disregard for human life in the world. This is a risk to world peace because; many countries are involved in making nuclear weapons available thinking other countries are also doing so. Nuclear proliferation is enabling nuclear weapons to be available, the knowledge on nuclear energy, and the materials used to make them available. Countries are quick to find material that is likely to assist in making these weapons, but the sad part of all this is that, nobody is doing anything about it (Corera, 2006). Vast amounts of capital are used in the research and study of nuclear energy meant for building weapons, and yet, many coun tries elsewhere are battling with diseases and hunger. Moreover, nuclear proliferation is rampant because of mistrust among nations. Two nations known for battling openly over nuclear weapons are the United States of America, and Iran. Iran is involved in manufacturing nuclear munitions. America is assured of this fact. This thought warranted the invasion of a country in search of these weapons, which to this day, still remains an illusion. It is this mistrust that puts the whole world at risk as this hatred is likely to go global. In such a case, many nations will suffer (Corera, 2006). Claims that Israel is involved in nuclear weapon manufacture have been heard, but nobody is yet to invade the country in search of these weapons. Restrictions must be made to dissuade the use of nuclear material in any way. This may reduce nuclear proliferation over time. Question 2 Nations are likely to use nuclear weapons in the future because these weapons are indiscriminate and inhumane. They ha ve the capability of destroying everything in their wake, and in the case of war, the use of these weapons will be the first option. The rising tensions in many parts of the world have many individuals up in arms over the use of nuclear weapons to remedy the situation. These weapons are capable of eradicating the human race in a frighteningly short time. The problem with such tensions is that, nobody is willing to admit their involvement in such tendencies. This causes more tension, which further increases the chances of the use of nuclear weapons in the future (Corera, 2006). Another reason why countries are likely to turn to nuclear weapons in the future would be double standards between the first world nations. The U.S has policies against the use of nuclear weapons. However, the same country advocates for the use of nuclear energy (Corera, 2006). The use of nuclear energy is just an excuse to experiment on nuclear weapons. The two are tied together, hence; one cannot claim that the signing of a few terms of agreement can avoid the practice of nuclear armaments in the future. This is what has everyone antsy about the current situation in terms of nuclear weapons. Question 3 Western intelligence agencies are incapable of addressing nuclear threats adequately because of lack of jurisdiction (Corera, 2006). The only thing they can do at the moment is carry out surveillance, and voice

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

APP9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

APP9 - Assignment Example This success in terms of safety is due to the instituted safety committee comprising of members emanating from each firm’s department. When they have a safety walk or an inspection, the members are reshuffled in such a case that one from the food department heads to production with the intention of pin pointing any slight and future foreseeable risks to rectify them in time. The company hold onto the notion by having own operators undertaking the inspection exercise for they are capable of ascertaining risky aspects different as other people would. Simms has ensured that his operators have a short break from their work during the day whereby they are required to stand up and stretch and music is put on. The company has also provided its operators with very expensive but comfortable chairs that are light for the workplace. These chairs help prevent scenarios of back aches and fatigue besides putting draft tables that direct fumes outside, hence implying they have protected operators’ wellbeing. Most of the machines in Simms Company require operated with both hands and by improvising the finger protector his employees are not exposed to losing their hands. Yes. I think through these efforts will attract quality workers because it is normal for any human to work in good and favorable conditions where they are comfortable as well as not overworked. Operators want to be linked with an organization that has comfortable and safe settings for their health as well as that will ensure them be productive without coerced. In addition, people love places where they are involved in the affairs of the company and it is clear Simms does that by forming a safety committee comprising of members from its departments instead of hiring more staff to undertake this task. After Simms devised the safety program, it took him around three years when he started to note huge reductions in their

Monday, August 26, 2019

You wil examne your daily routine and determine the CO2 that you Research Paper

You wil examne your daily routine and determine the CO2 that you generate as a result - Research Paper Example Digestion and Breathing: we are taught at high school that we all breathe to alive and carbon dioxide is the byproduct of the process of respiration. Keeping in mind today’s socio-political structure we can say that humanity is considered to be the emitter of carbon dioxide. The human population present across the world produces twice the amount of carbon dioxide that is being produced by all the passenger vehicles present in US by performing regular human activities such as digestion and breathing (Carbon Dioxide, 2013). According to a Spanish study, each human being emits about 2 tons of carbon dioxide during the process of digestion (Muà ±oz, Canals, & Fernà ¡ndez-Alba, 2010). Each day a person breathes about 20,000 times. The process of breathing takes place by the help of the respiratory system. Each time a person breathes he inhales O2 and exhale CO2, so one can analyze the large amount of CO2 that is emitted by a person every day (Carbon emissions per person, by country, 2009). Food for thought: The fridge which we use regularly emits large amount of carbon dioxide but what is present inside isn’t any better. The food in total makes up about 1.3 to 1.4 tons of carbon dioxide of our footprints, in a year. The food miles are the prominent contributor to this. The transportation of the fresh vegetables and fruits gives them carbon dioxide foot prints before they even reach to our homes. There are quarter of trucks present on the roads that carry raw material and food for the food industry. However another problem is the growing and processing of food. Heating greenhouses, manufacturing fertilizers and food processing are all considered to be major energy consumers. It is probably considered to be healthier step to buy green tomatoes from Spain than buying the ones growing in UK greenhouses with lots of fertilizers in it. Consuming Electricity: burning fossil fuel emits a large amount of carbon dioxide. Coal release double amount of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Common History of oppression of people of African descent and Research Paper

Common History of oppression of people of African descent and indigenous peoples in the United States and South Africa - Research Paper Example Black South Africans faced much discrimination against them during the colonial period whose effects can be felt to this day. The period of apartheid was characterized by the racial segregation of the majority Africans by the government. The apartheid period lasted for forty-six years (1948-1994) and during this time, many sufferings were incurred on the part of the majority African inhabitants. This research paper will primarily look at the crimes and violations committed, harms caused to the majority south Africans, the setbacks that can still be felt, the losses suffered and finally clearly lay out the reasons why the black Africans in south Africa should be compensated. Apartheid simply meant separation. It was more concern with putting apart the white and the black inhabitants. It can be seen that the separation had always existed in South Africa. This is evident in the 1913 Land Act, which suggested the separation of living areas for both whites and blacks (Lötter 21). The black inhabitants were forced to move to reserves while the whites were left to dominate and control all the available resources. In 1948, apartheid intensified after the white dominated Afrikaner National Party (ANP) won the elections.The goal of this separation was not only to separate Africans from the whites but also to separate Africans from one another by dividing them within their ethnic lines so that they could their political power. The inhabitants were separated into four groups, the majority blacks, whites, the colored people and Indians. The colored were a mixed race, which sometimes saw families being separated as parents could be classified as white while chil dren were seen as non-whites, therefore, alienated. 80% of the land was given to the whites while the other majority races only occupied the remaining 20% (Lötter 14). To further emphasize on separation, the government made sure that the whites had separate and better public facilities apart from

Accounting Cycle Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accounting Cycle Description - Essay Example The AIS or the accounting Information system used within the organization must be well equipped to understand the unique requirements of the revenue cycle which puts an overall effect on the generated revenues through production and etc. The maintenance of the revenue cycle is a complex procedure, because of which getting complete repayment of your cash is not possible with conventional techniques. In order to collect 100% out of revenue cycle an organization must use an integrated accounting information system that effectively includes people, monetary processes, and technology. The benefits of integrated revenue cycle helps in maintaining internal controls (misappropriation etc.). Use of weak or disintegrated information system with in the organization can also be a cause of trouble in several ways. It could be a disrupting aspect in the revenue cycle that could affect the over all cash flow of the organization. (Avisena, 2009) Information systems are continually altering and developing as skill and technology persists to develop. There is various information systems used within an organization which helps it to run the daily business accurately. The various types include transaction processing systems (TPS) which is a system that gathers, accumulates, adapts and recovers the transactions of a project. Decision Support Systems (DSS) is a system that chains dealings and managerial decision-making actions. A well-designed DSS is a software-based scheme projected to help decision makers accumulate helpful information from untreated data, individual knowledge, documents, and business representations to recognize and resolve problems and take decisions. Expert system is software that efforts to imitate the presentation of one or more human specialists, most frequently for a specific problem area, and is a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Leadership And Management In Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership And Management In Organization - Essay Example Management, like leadership, is ethically neutral (Charan et al 2001). I understand that managers mobilize and allocate resources; they staff and ensure the continuing vitality of the team; they create and maintain appropriate procedures. They also direct, delegate, and coordinate, and they provide a system of incentives to motivate and encourage productive behavior. Managers also establish reporting systems, perform evaluations, and assign accountability. Common to both managers and leaders is the focus on the results they produce, which are based on the goals they pursue (Hoyle and Wilmore 2002). I would like to research the relations between leadership and managerial success as measured by achievement, not by the process used to accomplish the results. The research will benefit my personal communication skills and will help me to deal with difficult managerial situations in my job. Based on this results-oriented philosophy of management, the new definition of management focuses on outcome Remember that managerial performance is not judged entirely in terms of success or failure. Rather, performance is measured in terms of progress in relation to the goal. The focus is on lessons learned, and learning is a core value (Cole, 2005). In this sense, success becomes a journey, rather than a destination. We cannot produce positive results every time.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Knowledge Management - Essay Example The information or knowledge can be derived from two major sources: the individuals or employees and the information or data found in the approaches or procedures of the organization. â€Å"Knowledge management is the formulation of and access to experience, knowledge, and expertise that create new capabilities, enable superior performance, encourage innovation, and enhance customer value†(Gloet, 2006). Furthermore, â€Å" KM is a strategy that turns an organizations intellectual assets-both recorded information and the talents of its members into greater productivity, new value and increased competitiveness, it teaches cooperation from managers to employees, how to produce and optimize skills as a collective entity† (Gloet, 2006). The primary motive of knowledge management is to ensure that the aims and goals of the organization. The objectives of the organization revolve around the enhancement of performance, increasing organizational efficiency, innovation, learning and development and constant development of the organization (Addicott, McGivern and Ewan, 2006). Research suggests that KM concentrates on the integration of organizational learning and development in order to distribute knowledge and information. Furthermore, it allows individual employees and groups to work collaboratively in order to share organizational insights in order to improve organizational productivity and efficiency. It also concentrates on enhancing the overall organizational structure, increasing profitability and to change in accordance to the conditions of the market. Literature suggests that KM is an essential and integral part of business organizations and it concentrates on delivering and sharing of relevant knowledge to the appropriate individual at the right time. For this purpose, it is essential that the knowledge management systems are developed in accordance to the needs

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease Essay Example for Free

Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease Essay Periodontal disease is a disease that affects the gums which causes them not to hold on to the teeth as tight as is normal. The teeth are therefore detached from the jawbone as it (Dr. Pohlhaus, 2008). It has been found to be responsible for the majority of tooth loses among the adults especially if it stays unchecked over several years. The disease usually attack the tooth through a crevice referred to as sulcus that is found below the gum line. During the attack, the disease breaks down the attachment of the tissues with the tooth and this result into a pocket whose depth depends on the severity of the attack. There are two main categories of the periodontal diseases; the gingivitis, which is a milder form of the periodontal diseases and is usually reversible. The other category is the periodontists (http://www. ada. org/public/topics/periodontal_diseases. asp). The major difference between the two is that the latter affects only the connecting tissues and the bone while the former affects the gum and the bones without any interference whatsoever with the connective tissues. Periodontal disease is caused by a bacterium called plaque which attaches on the teeth surface. They produce some toxins the affect both the gums and its supporting tissues. If left for periods of up to two days, it hardens into a substance called tartar which then causes infection and inflammation of the gums, that is usually painless and can easily go unnoticed (http://www. emedicinehealth. com/periodontal_gum_disease/page2_em. htm# Periodontal%20(Gum)%20Disease%20Causes). Methods of Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease and their Impact During the diagnosis of periodontal disease, the qualified doctors do look at different parameters and are guided by some simple basic steps: He/She first seeks to know the medical history of the patient so as to know any present or past problems associated with the disease or any underlying infections that might be the contributing factor to the disease, and if the patient is under any medications. The doctor may also opt to inquire about the general home dental care quality. The doctor then proceeds to the part of physical examination where he inspects the gum for any abnormalities like redness and puffiness. This is then followed with periodic screening and recording, otherwise referred to as PSR, which helps to ascertain the severity of the infection after which the teeth movement is observed. Any movement shows loss of bone support. Finally, x-rays are carried out so as to see the structure of the bone supporting the teeth. In the modern times however, technological advances has not left behind the medical practitioners. The developments that have been experienced in the dental radiography have been on conventional radiography transmission that narrows down to the capture, enhancement, and analyses of images. This stands to correct the errors that were being committed by the human beings by their visual perception. These technologies therefore help in the improvement of the diagnosis, enhance the treatment procedures as well as streamlining of the transfer, storage and the retrieval of information. They also help provide backup to the data of the patient in case any unforeseen catastrophe like fire occurs. Over the years, focus has shifted to the use of subtraction radiography which helps to recognize any slight differences in terms of the densities and volumes of the bones over a period of time (Grondahl and Grondahl, 1983). This has been made possible due to the available digital imaging technology (Grondahl et al, 1983). When using this technology and for the results not to show any differences in the registration, the projection geometries need to be identical. Methods have also been developed that aim at reconstructing the images that do posses arbitrary geometric projections into projection geometry of the reference image (Dunn and Van der Stelt, 1992; Ruttimann et al, 1986; and Van der Stelt et al, 1989). Also, in hi report, they reported that some measurements of up to 16 mm translation errors with 160 angulation’s errors. It thus looked promising for the creation of important image pairs to be used in the subtractions radiology. Also, in 1986, Webber and Ohki et al (1988) found out about the use of software based, otherwise called â€Å"digital gamma correction†, as a corrective measure to the gray level image distribution which was a one major disadvantage of the subtraction radiography. Further improvement in technology helped make it possible to detect any changes in the density of the bones: using a calibration wedge whose attenuation properties are known, the density differences that are measured are changed into estimation volumes differences. Either hydroxyapatite or aluminum is used in this case due to the fact that their radiation attenuation positively compares to that of the bones in characteristics. When these anatomical abnormalities and other details as expressed on the radiographic images can be shown mathematically, then one can easily develop the computer algorithms which then will be able to automatically interpret the radiographs (Ruttimann et al.. , 1985; Van der Stelt et al.. , 1985; Benn, 1991). These procedures that are performed by the computers may be of great value to the medical practitioners in making their decisions since they add extra information to the assessment of the practitioners (Van der Stelt and Geraets, 1991).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Marketing Plan for New Coca Cola Drink

Marketing Plan for New Coca Cola Drink The following marketing plan is for the introduction of the innovative product line extension of the pioneer beverages company Coca-Cola. The Coke Buzz Tea is fresh and innovative product which will enhance the revenue of the company. The following analysis will allow in outlining the best practises to achieve the strategic goals outlaid by the company. The mix of marketing strategies will facilitate to achieve market share of an estimated 8,688,300 people (target) with a growth of 7.3% as forecasted in 4 years. This will capture the unserved market for ready-to-drink Coke Buzz Tea. The success in the sales growth with this product line extension will bring company to apex position and will tag the company as a market leader in the functional soft drink. Situational analysis Under the situational analysis the changes of trends in beverages industry are thoroughly examined. The SWOT analysis is done to get a clear picture of micro environment variables. Under the industry analysis, the opportunities for an innovative product are discussed Marketing plan In the marketing plan all the research work and marketing strategy is listed. The pricing, promotion and place strategies are in accordance with the ongoing Coca-Cola strategy. The strategies are critically revised to add more value in the balance sheet of the company Financial analysis Under the financial analysis breakeven point calculations are done and also incorporated the expected sales growth and revenue figures. Company description Founded in 1886, we are the worlds major marketer, manufacturer and distributor in non-alcoholic beverages syrups and concentrates, which are consumed in the production of nearly 400 beverages brands that contributes our wide portfolio. We are operating in more than 200 countries with our head office established in Atlanta. We are at the second position in functional and specialty Asian drinks. The Coke Buzz Tea will help the company to achieve the top most position in the ready to drink tea sector. Product description and strategic role in future of the company: Coke Buzz Tea will be a canned and bottled beverage and it will be positioned as the only ready-to-drink tea product available in the market. The product will bring entirely unique experience with the base of green tea enhanced with the fruit flavors such as strawberry, passion fruit and lime. Customers will feel fresh and energetic after sipping this delicious tea. It will pose itself different than the traditional tea while offering the delicious taste of fruit juices in convenient and attractive packing. The strategic role of the Coke Buzz Tea in for Coca-Cola is focused on three objectives: Grow to be a market leader in the functional and ready-to-drink sector with increased market share. To attract the Gen-Y consumers and satisfy their needs with an eye catching and FUNctional product. To stay at the front position as the market leader in innovative product development and successful product launches. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Consumption The sales amount for the functional drinks sector in Canada has approached to $342.2 million in 2004 for a volume of 125.9 million liters. This product division has shown a steady growth since 1999: raise of 13.5% over a phase of 6 years. The consumption rate per capita in 2004 has risen to 4 3.94 liters, which represents a 4.0% increase compared to 1999. The increase of this particular market is mainly due to a slow shift in consumer trends. Trends Through the early 1960s, soft drinks were one and the same with colas in the mind of consumers. In the 1980s and 1990s, however, further beverages (from bottled water to tea) became more accepted. Coca-Cola and Pepsi responded by expanding their product offerings through coalition (e.g. Coke Nestea) and acquisitions (e.g. Coke Minute Maid), but also by keeping their focus on the portfolio diversification. Today, while the soft drink industrys importance has amplified in 2010, the volume sales of carbonated soft drinks has declined due to a large share of consumers who are more attracted towards the trend of healthier drink options in the functional drink segment(smoothies, energy drink, sport drink, milk and juice drinks). Companies have been actively involved in new product developments in order to defy the growing concerns about harmful health impacts of high-fructose drinks, but also to enlarge the demand in a market where product offerings are rapidly maturing. New flavor introductions and health-conscious formulations have been introduced in an attempt to offset the rejection in carbonated soft drink sales The functional market is predictable to show sustained growth and consumer concern in the future years as consumption shifts to healthier, trendier and sophisticated products. Profitability future growth potential In 1993, Concentrate Producers grossed 29% pretax profits on their sales, while bottlers made 9% profits on their sales, for an entire industry profitability of 14%. While the functional drinks segment only accounts for 3.7% of the whole soft drinks sales in 2004, estimations are forecasting a growth of 7.3% in sales and 11.0% in volume consumption by 2010 (ref.4). SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGHTS Effective strides in new markets Coca-Cola has aligned with several companies (such as the joint venture with Nestlà ©) in order to boost the ability to react to demands and variation in the markets of coffee, iced tea and juices. The developing markets are more complex than the developed markets. They require more marketing and product awareness. Strong existing distribution channels Coca-Cola has global operations and is well recognized in its distribution channels (such as store retailers or vending machines). Therefore, a new product launch can usually rely on the existing distribution structure in order to reach the greater part of its target market while requiring no major supply / delivery enlargements. Brand strength The Coca-Cola Company is the biggest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. The Coca-Cola brand is unarguably recognizable brands in the 200 countries where it trade its products. The well established and strong brand name is one of the bases for the companys competitive benefit on several of its core markets. WEAKNESSES Relying upon line extensions Coca-Cola is relying on brand expansions increase sales in specific lines, particularly its long-time carbonated soft drink products (i.e. the introduction of Vanilla Coke assisted maintain sales for the core Cola beverages). However, there is a major risk of cannibalizing existing sales in the long term (for example, Bubble Tea might deter on sales for iced tea). Reliant upon particular carbonated drinks The long-time existence of Coca-Colas Coke beverage has conventionally promoted this particular line as a flagship product. The core coke products have gained strong loyalty from customers and have solid basis of sales. The brand is more and more anchored as a single line carbonated drinks which may have taken away the freedom to diversify in other non carbonated products. The Coca-Cola Company is a strictly global multinational business giant. Most of its products are shipped to many areas of the globe. These products have adapted to the geographical requirements Furthermore, many smaller and diversified product lines are more or less accepted in one particular region over another. Therefore, the course of diversifying the production and marketing all products engage costly investments. These capital necessities typically increase as the product becomes heavily focused (for example to market a coke bottle in Japan is less difficult due to the worldwide recognition of the bottle rather than the Qoo in the same country, as the Qoo is the newest non carbonated drink introduced by Coca-Cola in 1999) OPPORTUNITIES New product introductions The functional drinks market is one that predominantly allows more opportunities, innovations and gives greater freedom for creativeness in the production, design, distribution, manufacturing, promotion and retailing choices and processes. Brand is attractive to global partners Because of the size of the company and broad portfolio base, Coca-Cola has strong purchasing power over its suppliers, and also draws large partnerships with various levels of consumer contact (e.g. McDonald, movie studio promotions, promotions in universities, sponsorship agreements, etc.). Existing brand awareness also offer an international playing field for powerful marketing strategies. THREATS Strong competition Coca-Cola has a tough competition in the global market. Though the number of the competitors is less but to capture the bigger share in the crowded market will be a tougher one. Potential health issues The current drift of consumer and consumers groups consciousness towards goods and services is both beneficial and threatening for companies in the food and beverages business. Over the last few years, concerns over health concerns have risen in the media through an extended and ever- growing network of knowledge outputs (TV channels, journals, internet). The shift of the younger generation towards a healthier standard of living needs a careful planning and decision- making in new product developments. Large companies can also straightforwardly become the target of consumers apprehension. Target market Segment identification: RTD (Ready-to-drink) bottled Coke Buzz Tea, to be established within the Functional Drinks sector. Segment needs The product will accommodate to both social needs (perception of a social, fun drink with a sense of belonging within peer consumer groups) and physiological needs (hydrating and nutritional value). Segment trends The current trends include a move away from junk foods and carbonated drinks, a rising interest for healthier / beneficial foodstuffs for the mind and body, the trend towards the accessibility of on-the-go products for those with an active lifestyle, as well as the inclination for personalization through customization. Conclusion Based on the aforementioned analysis, Coke Buzz Tea appears to be a profitable and innovative product with a strong outlook for market share presence and segment growth opportunity. Upon execution of the marketing plan, the Coca-Cola Company will reclaim increased market shares and claim its targeted situational place of market leader in the functional drinks section as well as keeping its long-standing consumer appreciation for innovative and successful product launches in diversified markets. Projected profits will be $243,029.47. Objective The objectives of the marketing plan are focused on the three main criteria: To establish a wide brand recognition through the capturing of market share Making consumers more aware regarding the Coke Buzz Tea product from coke. To attain a market leader position in the functional drink sector PRODUCT STRATEGY The core Bubble Tea beverage in a pre-bottled and pre canned, ready-to-drink format. The actual product Packaging and labeling: see figure images.jpg Branding: Colorful, aspect of play, round shaped, prominent Buzz logo written in modern font, catchphrases such as Think outside the Bubble and Get Your Buzz. Trade name: Coke Buzz Teaà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, a Coca-Cola product Brand personality: oomph, funky, cool, purposeful, original, funny, healthy, etc. Brand equity: Coca-Cola provides a consistent, quality, accessible and innovative soft drink reputation. Augmented product Nutritional information, Status (social drink), Features promoting the website, Healthy drink with an advantage of a green tea base. Marketing considerations Product life cycle Coke Buzz Tea is a low-learning product. With a strong marketing promotion, sales [will] begin immediately and the paybacks of the purchases are readily understood. Since Coke Buzz Tea is prone to product imitation, Coca- Colas strategy is to widen distribution rapidly, which is currently possible, credit to the companys high manufacturing capacity. Coke Buzz Tea pursues the practice of product line extension. PRICE STRATEGY The price strategy that will be undertaken should consider the following aspects: 1. Consumer demand 2. The product lifecycle 3. Potential substitutes Customer demand Customer demand is a vital factor which is driven by flavor, income and availability of others alike products at a different price (mentioned later in the potential substitutes section). For a lot of customers, value and price are much related: the higher the price, the higher the value. As a result, Coca-Colas intention to position Coke Buzz Tea as an exclusive, innovative and attractive product offer it a certain control over price. The product lifecycle The company should take benefit also to the fact that the newer the product and the in advance in its lifecycle the higher the price can typically be. It ensures a high profit margin as the early adopters get the product and the firm seeks to earn development costs quickly and it also carry a certain prestige to the product. PROMOTION STRATEGY Objectives: To create strong awareness about the launch of Coke Buzz Tea among the Gen-Y (10-29 years old) consumers and their parents. This is very essential to win the market share against the main competitor PepsiCo. Message: The promotional outputs will convey the clear message that:- Coke Buzz is a healthy drink for active and young people who simply enjoy taking care of their body and life. Think outside the buzz: BeBold, BeOriginal, BeDifferent, BeYourself. A good spirit in a good body. Media selection: Before selecting the appropriate medias, it is significant to note that Generation Y consumers only give partial consideration to media. However, they can be reached through incorporated programs. They are typically using other than one communication media at a time; a behavior that is commonly called multitasking. This set of consumers doesnt give its complete attention to one single message, but rather uses continuous fractional attention to scan the media. Marketers can still communicate with Generation Y by means of a variety of targeted promotional tools. Another vital tactic to reach our target market is through Viral or Buzz marketing, which Coca-Cola will greatly use in this campaign (campus, contests). Advertising: PROMOTIONAL MIX Consumer oriented: Contests: Win another Coke Buzz Tea flavor, Uncover a secret code beneath the bottle cap and win sporting goods and electronics by logging on the website (Arguments: It will boost consumer purchases and encourage consumer involvement with the product). Samples: Distribution of samples in supermarkets, school/universities and near theaters. Samples are a technique to avoid product resistance since people are not used to find bubbles in their drinks. Arguments: It will encourage people to buy the new Coke Buzz Tea and it signifies low risk for customers since they get it for free. They have nothing to lose by trying it. Point-of-purchase: In supermarkets (to reach the parents of generation Y). Arguments: It is also a way to increase product trial and provides a good product visibility. Trade oriented: Allowances and discounts: Case allowance (Arguments: The free goods approach will be used so it can push retailers to buy more of the product to get a certain amount for free). Cooperative advertising: To cheer retailers to buy our product and to sustain our high level of advertisement that consumers anticipate from Coca-Cola. Other considerations: IMC (integrated marketing communication) Intermediary: personal selling will be more often used. Ultimate consumer: Coca-Cola will use additional mass media because the amount of possible buyers is large. PLACE (DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY) Coke Buzz Tea will be distributed through these channels: Convenience stores Supermarkets Independent food stores Multiple grocers Discount stores Vending machines Direct sales. FINANCIAL MEASURES Requirement for success analysis: C.M. per bottle = 382,159.36 / 328,000 = $1.17 Break-even: (113,453.56+25,676.33) / 1.17 = 118,914 (bottles) Market share: 118,914 / 1,000,000 = 11.9% In one year, if Coca-cola can sell 118,914 bottles of Coke Buzz Tea, or in other words achieve 11.9% of the functional drink market share, it will break even. After this point, every bottle Coca cola sells will generate average $1.17 towards the profits. The potential profits can up to $1,030,770.001 based on our target market. Expected Costs: COGS: $597,124 * 36% = $214,964.64 O/H: $597,124* 38% = $226,907.12 Expected Revenues (total) = $597,124 1 $1.17*(1-11.9%)*1,000,000 = $1,030,770 CALCULATIONS Based on Coca-Colas previous financial statements, we will see the Average COGS/Revenues for year 2005, 2004, and 2003 is 36%4. Operating Costs /Revenues = 38%5 Moreover, since our target market are 1,000,000 cans annually assuming Coca-cola maintains its market share in functional drink 32.8%, we predict our sales as 1,000,000 * 32.8% = 328,000 bottles. We use the ratio of average capital expenditures / net operation income for North America to estimate the fixed cost we need for producing Bubble Buzz in Canada: 4.3%6 of the total revenue. Task 3 The Coke Buzz Tea is a product line extension for the well established Brand Coca-Cola. The company has won the award of the most valuable company and always at the first place in providing the full value for the money. The Coke Buzz is the extension in the product line but it offers the same commitment for the value for the money as the other Coke products are offering. As the starting price of the Coke Buzz is kept little higher than the existing products. This can be compensated by justifying the nutrition content and the uniqueness of the product. The freshness of the green tea and the delicious taste of the fruit flavors will let consumers enjoy the full value of their money. The advertisement has a vital role in the success of the product. As there is a neck to neck competition between Coke and Pepsi. So Coke needs a strong advertisement to backup the launch of the product. In the marketing plan I have discussed the promotion process which is very diversified. This product is clearly targeting the young generation, which may be students, college students, young employees, athletes and few old people who like to change the conventional tea with something exciting. This age groups is not limited to a single advertisement media. So a proper mix of advertisement media is required. Critical reflective learning is the learning technique with which students or the learner brings the theoretical knowledge into practical use. With the help of the reflective learning individuals grow in term of knowledge, social and professional skills. In the course of MBA the reflective learning process plays very critical role. Sometimes even in organizations, the managers fail to possess reflective learning skills. The reflective learning bridges the gap between what we have learned in the school and what we need to stay in business. In the course of Marketing Management, I have leaned the various marketing tools, techniques, concept and theories. In the starting the course module was very easy and according to my prior experience of sales assistant. Before the MBA course I was working as an efficient sales executive in a multinational company. Though my background was not supporting the role I was working in. but my strong communication and social skills bought success and perks during my job tenure. To add more skill set under my CV and to gain the insight of the corporate world, I chosen the business study. During the first few weeks of Marketing Management course I was very amused to see the simple marketing techniques but having critical affect on the revenues. The mode of teaching was mainly through slides and case studies. This helped in the implementation of the theories and various concepts in on the real time companies. The course started with a slow pace and I was able to gain the basics of the marketing. The aim of the module was to provide future managers an understanding of the key theories that underpin the study of Marketing, as well as an opportunity to analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of successful and not-so-successful businesses. The module started with the 4ps of marketing and phillip kotler reaserch work. I have gained the sense of importance of the Place, Promotion, Price and Product. To make any product successful, there should be a proper strategy for the marketing mix. In the preceding week I came to know the various aspects of the buying behavior of the consumers. The adoption process sounded very interesting in creating hype for the product. I learned how adoption levels vary among the consumers and came to know the various classes of the consumers. After gaining the insight of the concept the course was advanced to the product life cycle. This helped me in the understanding of the processes involved in the birth phase of the product to the decline of the product and how the marketing mix changes with the life cycle. Week 4 and 5 revolved around the segmentation of the market and how to capture the target market. Though I had little knowledge of the market segmentation and the target market due to my past job. The addition to my knowledge was the techniques used to segment the market. Earlier I was not sure how the companies segment their markets but the study of demographic, geographic, behavior descriptors made me aware of the causes of segmentation. But sometimes I got confused as there are some companies whose products are same for all buyers e.g. Coca-Cola, and Pepsi. Although they produce different products but the basis of their sales is still the old flavor drink. I had very fascinating moment when I studied Michel Porters generic strategies. I found the practice use of the generic strategies when I writing my project report. These strategies found very helpful in the positioning of the product in the market. After studying the half of the course I was bit confused in the fit between the preference of the market segment and current positioning of the product. For this I did a personal research and wrote a positioning statement to guide development and implementation of marketing strategy. After this revision I was able to grasp the concept of the final decision on where a product will be placed, OR where a current product will be repositioned to within the market. Learning of the Forecasting technique was a very new thing for me. This concept was totally practical and had mathematical touch. This was the only topic I faced in module in which I touched the calculator. Along with the course work I learned the concept of forecasting techniques with my own research. The six techniques took long time to learn. In the same week I learned the importance of the market research techniques. These were very helpful for me to grow socially. I found them very interesting as they need a direct contact with the customers. The thing that disappointed me in the course module is the affective use of the technology in the market segment. The module was not equipped with the technologies that help in the real time marketing environment. I felt to do self study in this field but the burden of the study and work restricted me to go beyond the course module. Though I kept myself updated with the use of internet and various marketing magazines. In the course work I read about the client contact management system ACT. In the ACT system the Advertising companies have the salespersons contacts in the ACT database and they offer information on the last ad they purchased. This helps the sales person be more effective in their sales and try to sell products (advertisements) they know the customer will be interested in purchasing. By the week 6 I gained the basic and advanced knowledge in the module. Week 7 was little difficult for me to understand. The positioning process was very confusing for me as it involved lot of research and practical knowledge. For this purpose I took help from my friends who were working in the supermarkets and big grocery stores. The term positioning was very new to me as I had never encountered with this process during my job. The positioning task had many steps as I learned: Select the target market Set the promotional objective Set the promotional budget Design the promotional mix Carry out a research to find out if the promotional objectives met This was the scene when I had to implement my all marketing knowledge which I had learned in the course. Week 8 study was more practical than the article. In that week I practiced many real time problems which a manager can face or the issues which can arise in the marketing division or in the whole organization. In that particular lecture I came to know the ethical issues associated with the marketing practice. Though in the lecture very limited knowledge was given on that topic but the lecturer was able to convey the importance of the topic. After the week 8 I assessed myself on the basis of the knowledge I earned in the module and found that I become sound in theoretical part but I found difficulties in relating the concepts with the real time scenarios. This was due to the less number of assignments given in the module description. Though the final assignment which needed a lot of research and cleared most of the quarries. But the module needs to be revised as there should be a proper assignment is required in the middle of the course work, so that students will able to attach themselves with the practical world at very early stage. I felt the major drawback in the course module is the involvement of the students. There was negligible number of the seminars given by the students. This kept me at back end in term of confidence to speak in front of the whole class. There were no debates or maybe there wasnt any weighting to the debate, thats why nobody cared about them. At the end of the reflective learning process I am still not comfortable with the technological advancement in the sector of the marketing. I have very limited knowledge about the tools used by the managers in the real world. I thought to attend a seminar to overcome the limitation of my knowledge but then I realized it would be better if the college admin will add this as activity in the course module. My personal assessment revealed the shortcomings in my presentational skills and analytical skills. To overcome the hurdle I made proper strategy for which I joined the study groups in the libraries and started to read case studies. The other tools which helped in the reflective learning are the journals, magazines, TV, internet and the various seminars.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Principles Of Crop Science Environmental Sciences Essay

Principles Of Crop Science Environmental Sciences Essay The increasing population of the world has led to great issues dealing with demand and supply. This in turn leads to advancements in various scientific and cultural techniques to use the limited available resources in an effective way. The alarming issue in the recent days like urbanization, scarce area for agriculture, limited availability of resources and food security has led to development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to resist against pest and weeds. Among various issues coming up, this paper mainly discusses about the major crop management practices to improve crop for high yield and profit which is equally as important as GMOs. Crop management practices There are various methods of crop management practices, varying according to the types of resources used, climate and various other natural factors that involves the type of management to choose. Crop management involves growing crops on a massive scale, by involving methods like tillage, crop rotation, inter cropping, culling, composting, pest control and weed management, effective resources capture, irrigation techniques and hybridization. Few of the major management techniques are discussed below. Weeds, Pests and Disease control The European Weed Science Society defines weed as any plant or vegetation, excluding fungi, interfering with the objectives or requirements of people. Reduction of crop yield is the major reason for attempts to reduce weed population in arable crops. The first attempts at controlling weeds used manual labour and hand-hoeing which, at present days is a time consuming process. Thus a major development was the development of herbicides (Naylor, 2002). The worldwide efficacy in controlling weed (68%) was considerably higher than the control of animal pests or diseases (39% and 32%, respectively). The continuous use of herbicide and pesticides led to the appearance of resistant biotypes of weeds and pests, playing major role in contamination of the environment [2]. In the recent days the integrated weed management (IWM) approaches plays a vital role as they incorporate multiple tactics of prevention, avoidance, monitoring and suppression of weeds, undergirded by the knowledge of agro ecosystem biology. The development of IWM was motivated by a desire to provide farmers with systematic approaches to reduce reliance upon herbicide and retard the selection of herbicide-resistant biotypes. [5] Worldwide, pre-harvest and post-harvest losses to insects, weeds, and plant pathogens are estimated at 45 percent additional losses can be attributed to vertebrate pests. Selection of resistant varieties, rotation crops, crops for inter plantings and cover crops is important for successful crop production with minimal inputs of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Studies say that the use of pesticides has not solved the pest problem completely and in the past 50 years, insecticide use has increased tenfold, while crop losses from pest damage have doubled. Thus still there are studies being carried on pest control. The natural methods of control is more preferable for three major reasons like cost, safe to people and safe to environment also has no side effects. [4] Pests and diseases impact on crop yield and quality, and also reduce resource-use efficiency. Improved crop protection strategies to prevent such damage and loss can increase production and make a substantial contribution to food security. (Advances in plant disease and pest management, J. A. LUCAS,2010) Irrigation technique Irrigation is the method of artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and rejuvenation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. The basic principle of irrigation is to help plants on evapo-transpiration process which plays a vital role in transportation of nutrients from soil to any part of the plant. In simple words it is expressed as More water supply More transpiration More CO2 More dry matter More yield More Profit There are various types of irrigation techniques varying upon the climate, nature of soil, nature of vegetation. In general, the goal is to supply the entire field uniformly with water, so that each plant has the amount of water it needs, neither too much nor too little. The earliest methods of irrigation were the perennial, basin and the terrace irrigation and the recent days developments were the sprinkler (gun sprinkler, portable solid-set sprinkler, pivot systems, side-roll sprinkler etc) and micro irrigation (drip irrigation). The type of irrigation technique plays a major role in the crop yield. But each irrigation systems have its own limitations and thus it is very important to choose the most suitable irrigation technique for particular variety of crop, after studying its various properties on its growth and development. For example, a study made in the western United States corn belt showed variation in the yield differing between the pivot and surface irrigation. Therefore choosing the right way of irrigation method is also an important way of crop management [3] 2.3. Resource capture The principle of resource capture is to provide a framework through which the productivity of vegetation can be analysed through the capture and conversion of environmental resources. The most basic resources that a plant would obtain are from the atmosphere and soil. The plants obtain carbon dioxide, light, temperature, and humidity from the atmosphere, whereas obtains water and other mineral nutrients from the soil. So resource capture is classified as the above ground and below ground resource capture. The crops depend on light for growth and depend on day length and temperature for its development. In the below ground resource capture, key natural resource which provides the most essential forms of nutrients for the plants growth which is associated with the integrated effect of management on most properties of soil that determines the sustainability and crop productivity is the soil. Good soil quality not only produces good crop yield, but also maintains environmental quality and consequently plant, animal and human health.. Growing of crops one after another without giving due consideration to nutrient requirement has resulted in decline in soil fertility, especially of nitrogen. Studies say that Zero- or reduced tillage crop production practices, coupled with proper residue management can maintain or improve soil organic matter and has the potential to substantially increase long-term crop production in semi-arid rain fed regions. [1] Conclusion Naylor, [1] Long-term soil management effects on crop yields and soil quality in a dryland Alfisol K.L. Sharmaa,*, Uttam Kumar Mandala, K. Srinivasa, K.P.R. Vittala, Biswapati Mandalb, J. Kusuma Gracea, V. Ramesha , Soil Tillage Research 83 (2005) 246-259 [2] Advances in weed management strategies C.M. Ghersaa,*, R.L. Benech-Arnoldb, E.H. Satorreb, M.A. Martà µÃƒâ€šnez-Ghersaa, Field Crops Research 67 (2000) 95 ±104 [3] High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: II. Irrigation management and crop water productivity Patricio Grassinia, Haishun Yangb, Suat Irmakc, John Thorburnd, Charles Burre, Kenneth G. Cassmana,à ¢Ã‹â€ -, Field Crops Research 120 (2011) 133-141 [4] Some agrometeorological aspects of pest and disease management for the 21st century Joyce Fox Strand, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 73-82 [5] Targeting the farmer decision making process: A pathway to increased adoption of integrated weed management R.S. Wilson a,*, N. Hooker e, M. Tucker d, J. LeJeune c, D. Doohan b, Crop Protection 28 (2009) 756-764

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Raising of the Age You Can Get Your Drivers License Essays

Should the age to receive a driver's license be raised and, if not, should graduated licensing be instituted? This is a growing question across America as well as other countries around our globe. The percentage of teenage accidents involving automobiles is on a constant rise. Whether caused by the lack of experience or under the influence of alcohol, death has become all too common among teen motorists. This problem is not going to go away by itself; action needs to be taken. The state must raise the age requirement to receive a license or institute graduated licensing because teens are not mature enough to handle the dangerous responsibilities of driving. We allow teens to get their licenses at an earlier age than in most countries, and little driving experience typically is required before licenses are issued. This is not very smart on our part considering that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 16 year olds have the highest percentage of crashes-involving speeding, the highest percentage of single vehicle crashes, the highest percentage of crashes with driver error, and the highest vehicle occupancy (NHTSA ). Compared with older drivers, teenagers as a group are more willing to take risks and less likely to use safety belts. Many experts blame the young teens immaturity, impulsiveness, and lack of proper training and experience as contributing factors to the high rate of teen involved accidents. Teens don't need to be victims of there driving inexperience. During 1975-96 the death rate among 16 year-old drivers was trending upward. The rate increased from 19 per 100,000 in 1975 to 35 per 100,000 in 1996, and this increase occurred in both males and females. The number of 16 year old driver... ...the teen turns 18 a full license could be obtained if the driver has completed at least 12 months with an intermediate license and has no accidents or violations (Vehicle choice). Driving is a privilege, and should be treated as such. Too many people treat driving like a constitutionally protected right; driving is too serious an activity to be placed in the hands of teenagers who do not know what they are doing, regardless of how much training teens may receive. Raising the required age to receive a driver license or instituting graduated licensing is a must if the United States wants to save the lives of teenagers. This would also lower the number of teen involve accidents that occur every day. Driving is a huge responsibility for persons of any age and the choices that are made by teen drivers could make the teen years the best of times or the worst of times.

Human Resource Management Essay -- Business HR

The Employment relationship is the only reason public and private limited organisations work effectively. The Employment relationship is a fragile tie between an employer â€Å"management† and employee â€Å"worker†. This relationship can be affected by 3 factors which are interests, control and motivation. Employers have to balance these factors in order to maintain a productive working relationship. Employment relationship works like any other relationship, commitment is required from both sides. In this case the employer and employee need to have a form of understanding and objectives need to be in common. This is not impossible therefore both sides agree upon a mutual decision however interests can be opposed and have done so in the past. A recent example of this would be British Airways. British Airways (BA) have successfully operated for the past 90 years however disputes between management and cabin crew may still have occurred. After suffering the recent loss due to the recession, BA decided to make some changes in order to survive in the competitive market. These changes were aimed at workers, especially the cabin crew, BA were to cut jobs and make relevant changes to employees working conditions, in order to make up for the fewer passengers during and since the recession. This has resulted in a trade union called Unite representing 12,000 crew members, stepping in again st this decision upon employees call for help. The situation has spun out of control and BA employees have threatened to take action in form of a strike lasting more than 10 days therefore a big loss for BA, with up to 650 flights operating everyday which is 80,000 passengers, the cabin crew are at the root of the business and can force BA to cease operating, un... ...ship. (Lecture notes) Darlington, R. (2010). Managing the employment relationship.. (Lecture notes) Darlington, R. (2010).Trade Union Regulation of the Employment Relationship. (Lecture notes) Foot M , Hook C (2008). Introducing Human Resource Management. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 11-14,35-56,90-98. Kane B, Palmer I. (1995). Strategic HRM or managing the employment relationship?. International Journal of Manpower. 16 (5/6), 6-21. Milmo, D. (2010). BA cabin crew hold back on strike date amid hope of deal. Available: Last accessed 25 February 2010. Nowicki M , Summers J. (2003). The benevolent autocrat: is it the right fit for the times? By now, most managers have hung their autocratic management style in the back of the closet . Healthcare Financial Management. 1 (1), 1. Human Resource Management Essay -- Business HR The Employment relationship is the only reason public and private limited organisations work effectively. The Employment relationship is a fragile tie between an employer â€Å"management† and employee â€Å"worker†. This relationship can be affected by 3 factors which are interests, control and motivation. Employers have to balance these factors in order to maintain a productive working relationship. Employment relationship works like any other relationship, commitment is required from both sides. In this case the employer and employee need to have a form of understanding and objectives need to be in common. This is not impossible therefore both sides agree upon a mutual decision however interests can be opposed and have done so in the past. A recent example of this would be British Airways. British Airways (BA) have successfully operated for the past 90 years however disputes between management and cabin crew may still have occurred. After suffering the recent loss due to the recession, BA decided to make some changes in order to survive in the competitive market. These changes were aimed at workers, especially the cabin crew, BA were to cut jobs and make relevant changes to employees working conditions, in order to make up for the fewer passengers during and since the recession. This has resulted in a trade union called Unite representing 12,000 crew members, stepping in again st this decision upon employees call for help. The situation has spun out of control and BA employees have threatened to take action in form of a strike lasting more than 10 days therefore a big loss for BA, with up to 650 flights operating everyday which is 80,000 passengers, the cabin crew are at the root of the business and can force BA to cease operating, un... ...ship. (Lecture notes) Darlington, R. (2010). Managing the employment relationship.. (Lecture notes) Darlington, R. (2010).Trade Union Regulation of the Employment Relationship. (Lecture notes) Foot M , Hook C (2008). Introducing Human Resource Management. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 11-14,35-56,90-98. Kane B, Palmer I. (1995). Strategic HRM or managing the employment relationship?. International Journal of Manpower. 16 (5/6), 6-21. Milmo, D. (2010). BA cabin crew hold back on strike date amid hope of deal. Available: Last accessed 25 February 2010. Nowicki M , Summers J. (2003). The benevolent autocrat: is it the right fit for the times? By now, most managers have hung their autocratic management style in the back of the closet . Healthcare Financial Management. 1 (1), 1.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Man Who Is Endowed with Magic Essays -- Biography, Walt, Walt Disn

â€Å"You won’t find anyone who can really explain the magic of Walt,† said Peter Ellenshaw—a Disney artist. â€Å"People see him either in black or white, but he was an extraordinary mixture. He was a common man who was endowed with a touch of magic† (Greene 6). This magic led Walt on one of the most extraordinary adventures anyone could ever wish to live. Walt grew up traveling from place to place as his father, Elias, worked day and night to make sure his family was fed and comfortable. Elias worked Walt’s two other brothers such ferocity that they ran away with the money they had been saving. Without the two brothers, Walt’s father’s dream of the farm life shattered. Soon after, Elias caught typhoid fever and became unable to work on his farm again, so they moved. The move took a toll on Walt. His father had him waking up at 3:30 am to deliver papers, a two-hour task. After delivering, he went to school. Then, he delivered papers for two more hours. Delivering the papers affected Walt’s school performance; he was yet again held back in the second grade, which made him almost two years older than his classmates. This action might have caused a rebellious action from most children but not Walt. His mother’s loving touch kept him in high spirits. As Greene said in The Man Behinf The Magic: The Story of Walt Disney, â€Å"If Walt was endowed with a touch of magic, his mother was the person who wielded the magician’s wand† (15). This magic and perseverance would play key roles in Walt’s life. Walt Disney had interests in many areas. One knack he had was recreating cartoons. One classmate recalled, â€Å"He wouldn’t just copy what was in the newspaper, either,† rather he would add his own features with the original as the templat... ...rporation went onto produce Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio to name a few. Although Disney’s interest might have faltered, his heart never did. His love for his employees drove him to become almost bankrupt. His love for his family led him to be one of the greatest fathers. One of his daughters, Sharon, stated, â€Å"we weren’t raised with the idea that this was a great man. He was Daddy. He went to work every morning. He came home every night† (Greene 77). His love for his work led him to become one of the best animators of all not, if not arguably the best. As his best friend, Walter Pfeiffer, said, â€Å"Walt was enthused about everything. He was one hundred percent interested in everything he did† whether it be his home life or his work. Truly, his magic inspired each animator to have the save magic even after some of his heart left the company.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Entrepreneurial Organization Essay

In Business today the Entrepreneurial Organizations continue to grow, thrive and help change the way companies and people do business. These Entrepreneurial changes that happen internal to large organizations or at small start-up companies all have some of the same traits in common with each other and use some of the same tactics to create business opportunities. Some of the traits they share to promote their business are: Individual action and initiative, Innovation, Differentiation and Risk Taking. Individual action and initiatives taken by the employees within the organization are to create new product offerings or enhance existing products. These actions do not always succeed in creating revenue for the business, but might help start another product line that will create revenue in the future, but the failures of these products is not seen as a negative within the organization but are treated as growth and are seen as positive steps. Innovation is a primary and necessary building block for the entrepreneurial organization. There are 2 types of innovation that should be looked at, used, changed and viewed when using innovation and these are Product and Process. These types of innovation will create change in either a product or process but both are essential to using innovation within the organization and will be used to create new ideas, process and test new theories. Differentiation is another advantage that has to be used, displayed and shown for an entrepreneurial organization. This shows the advantage to customers and investors what unique good, service, talent and innovation that the organization has that makes the customers willing to pay a premium for their services. Risk taking from a large or small organization requires some sort of investment on the part of the company, either in personal resources or financial resources. The level of risk that the organization is willing to support shows the employees that the organization is willing and able to make changes if the risks are worth the reward. But risks must be taken in these types of organizations to create and discover new opportunities. In conclusion, these are four reasons why entrepreneurial organizations seek to use innovation to create new opportunities and are  some of the building blocks for many large and successful companies. With the landscape of business always changing, if companies are not willing to use innovation to try and create new opportunities they might not be successful in the future.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Importance of military history Essay

Military professionals should take out time from their busy schedules to read military history because military history is the very foundation of their knowledge of tactics and strategy. It is also the foundation on which the theoretical and practical training troops and the development of training directives are based. A careful study of objective military history with an open mind and with the determination of learning from the experiences of others will be of great benefit to any military professional. According to Gen. Charles L. Bolte, former Vice Chief of Staff, and Department of the Army; â€Å"The past must be studied as the basis for, and a guide to, the study of the future. To make a sound prediction one must project the past into the future. † The American Army has followed the advice of such great captains as Frederick the Great and Napoleon, as well as of others who have more recently made their mark on the pages of history. Napoleon has written, â€Å"†¦ the knowledge of the higher arts of war is not acquired except by experience and the study of history of wars and the battles of great captains. † Gen. George S. Patton Jr. , one of America’s great offensive battle leaders, also emphasized the importance of history. His words, written on the battlefield, were: â€Å"To be a successful soldier you must know history, reads it objectively- dates and even minute details of tactics are useless†¦ You must read biography and especially autobiography. If military professional do it they find war is simple. The study of past is fundamental to the preparation for the next, for current military problems cannot be solved without an understanding of the past from which they stem. The military professionals must be rooted in the past to understand the present that he may project himself into the future. Reference US Department of the Army. (2001). The Writing of American Military History: A Guide. New York: The Minerva Group, Inc. pg 1,7,10,9,12.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Organizational Chart

MBA in Technology Management The company I worked for in the past was FORE Properties. This was a chain or apartment communities that were all purchased and built by the owner and run by the property managers, assistant property managers, and the leasing team. The â€Å"chain of command† went as follows. This is my knowledge to the best of my ability. New positions may have been added or I was never aware of their presence. There are many different reasons why I did not enjoy working for this company. None of them have anything to do with the organization structure.For one, I accepted the position as leasing consultant when I was 3 months pregnant. After working for the company for a few months, I was told that my appearance was unsatisfactory. I was wearing clothes from Motherhood Maternity and looked better than most employees. They were referring to my face because I had severe acne due to the stress of the pregnancy and the Job. They were also referring to my hair because it had recently been cut short. My regional actually told me I looked sick. I had extreme fits of morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy, so looking sick came with the territory.My Job was actually threatened several times due to my â€Å"appearance. † Another reason I did not enjoy working for this company is because on one occasion, I was in the shower, getting ready for my regularly scheduled weekend work day, which I hated because I could not spend time with my family, and I slipped in the shower. I was immediately rushed to the RE because being pregnant and falling is a serious issue. I contacted my manager as soon as I could to let her know that I could not physically make it in the office that day and she wrote me up because I contacted her AFTER the office should have been open.I explained that there is nothing I could have done differently and that my child's life was in danger. I refused to sign the write up to admit that I was guilty of anything because I wasn't. The main reason I did not like the Job was because the product I was trying to sell was disgusting. For starters, the apartments are income restricted. You have to make a certain amount of money to live there, so it is pointed toward a lower margin. The apartments themselves were never cleaned, stunk like cigarettes, and had multiple different kinds of linoleum and carpet throughout a single apartment.My manager loud have paid to have each apartment looking amazing, but instead kept her budget low so she would receive a bonus for not going over budget. I mentioned this several times to my regional, and even had her come and view our apartments, but we were told to lease them anyways. I tried to explain that no one would want to live in an apartment like this. I myself come from the ghetto of South Austin Texas and have lived in some DISGUSTING apartments, but I would not chose to live in these apartments if you paid me.They still put a sense of urgency on us to get the apart ments leased and began threatening our Jobs. The whole situation was horrible and I am glad I got out of it when I did. I was even told to constantly walk up to the third floor to clean cockroaches out of the breezeways when I was 9 months pregnant. One time I was even told that I would be standing on the corner in a clown suit with a sign that points to the apartments to get traffic in. Being 9 months pregnant, not fitting into the costume and it being 110 degrees outside, I put my foot down and contacted HRS and explained what I was being told to do.I was protected from the dressing like a clown, but still expected to walk up and down three flights of Atari in high heels and about to deliver a baby. If I was the regional, the manager, or even the owner, I would invest more time and money into making the property look amazing, inside and out. I would be sure that each and every employee is treated as fair as possible. I would never expect anyone to do anything that they could not p hysically do. I think the more you push someone to do something, the more stressed out they become and the less they provide you with good work. In conclusion, working for a company has its up's and downs.It is up to each level of the structure o make the best of each situation that they are dealt. If they see something that is not right, they need to take charge and handle the situation immediately. I wish that in several instances, my assistant manager had spoken up for me and handled the situation instead of keeping quite out of fear of losing her Job as well.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Automobile †Opel Essay

Introduction – A museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artefacts and other objects of scienti$c, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. Museums have varying aims, ranging from serving researchers and specialists to serving the general public. Purpose of study – ?A car represents status. A car is symbol of power. There are many car enthusiast’s in our country. ?There are many rich people that own a antique or a latest high technology car. ? And on other had there are many people who cannot a/ord such an expensive car but have a great interest in them. ?Most of the car museums we see holds only the vintage cars. ?Thus there is a need felt to provide a new building typology which can o/er a range of cars to view, from vintage to the modern, for all the car enthusiast’s to look out. SOURABH SHALGAR FOURTH YEAR (CM) ROLL NO:27 1 An Automobile Museum – Same as an ordinary museum, an Automobile museum is a museum where a range to cars are for display for the people to view. Purpose of an Automobile Museum – ?The main purpose is to provide a stage where people can display there cars. ?Giving people an opportunity to see a wide range of cars under one roof. ?Along with that providing ancillary activities such as a track for drag racing , where various events can be performed. ?Helping the car companies to display there cars which can help them advertising there brand, and giving a chance to people to compare between to companies. ?Along with that to provide all the amenities to ensure the comfort of the visitor. ?To make the Museum a tourist attraction so that it will be a revenue generation place for the city. Aim – ?Attract people to visit the museum. SOURABH SHALGAR FOURTH YEAR (CM) ROLL NO:27 2? To provide display for a variety of cars and companies. ?To knowledge people about history of the car companies. ?To make the museum a tourist attraction point. ?To entertain the visitors. Design Strategies – To achieve the aims , the components which can be used in design are ; ?Granduarness should be created by the structure which can act as the landmark of that place. ?Ambience should be created such that visitors should enjoy. ?Display areas created should keep the Status and luxury of the car companies. ?Metal Innovative Architecture must be used to give the structure the iconic look. SOURABH SHALGAR FOURTH YEAR (CM) ROLL NO:27 3.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

HR Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR Strategy - Essay Example In this paper, I will be analysing the internal and external fits approach to HR strategy. Strategic human resources management (SHRM) takes a strategic approach to organisational human resource management. SHRM concerns itself with the design and implementation of internal policy practices that consistently enhance the human capital’s ability to contribute to the bigger organisational goals (Wei, 2006). The strategic aims of HR revolve around cost containment and management of business risks. To achieve this, the HR function attempts to recruit highly talented, able and willing employees and managing these human resources optimally. The most critical asset for any organisation is therefore its human capital; productivity and profitability greatly depend on the motivation and desire people to perform as well as the support they get from managements. Strategically, HR strives to attain and manage two kinds of fits i.e. internal and external fit. On the perspective of external fit, the HR function’s systems, structures and management practices should be consistent with the particular firm’s stage in development. Organisational needs change with growth; having an understanding of just how the organisation is changing with growth makes it easier to understand the necessary human resource adjustments. From the approach of internal fit, the structure, systems and HRM practices need to be synergistic i.e. the HR function must put in place structures and systems that support and complement one another while contributing to organisational objectives. The HR function must therefore ensure its strategy enables the organisation to perform, attain competitive edge and ultimately make profits (Lloyd and Ilan, 1998). According to Pfeffer (1998) effective people management can tremendously enhance organisational performance both financially, socially and economically. He describes seven organisational characteristics consistent in most if not all firms